What to expect during a dental hygiene appointment in Banbury

An essential step to keeping your mouth healthy is to regularly visit your dentist for check-ups and ongoing oral care. By doing so, you can help prevent oral health issues from getting extensive and more expensive. Regular cleanings should be performed every six months to ensure that your teeth remain healthy and plaque-free.

At Amsel & Wilkins, we believe that prevention is better than cure and we offer a thorough hygienist’s clean and polish in Banbury. Our experienced hygienists are trained in the latest techniques to offer you quality dental care. We are also committed to educating our patients on tooth brushing and flossing.

Dental Hygiene in BanburyWhy you should schedule regular dental cleanings

Even if you brush and floss your teeth diligently at home, it is impossible to get rid of the plaque gather below your teeth and gum line on your own. Regular dental cleanings are essential for every patient as they are the only way to remove plaque and bacteria from hard-to-reach places in your mouth. Moreover, they have significant health benefits. Not only do they prevent gum disease and tooth decay, but they also give you a brighter smile and prevent bad breath. Last but not least, your dentist will detect early signs of cavities and gum disease.

What should I expect during a teeth cleaning?

A hygienist’s clean and polish in Banbury is a painless procedure and typically takes less than an hour. The first part of the cleaning will involve the dental hygienist using special equipment to remove plaque and tartar from both above and below the gum line. Next, the hygienist will polish your teeth. The last step in the teeth cleaning procedure involves advice on how to brush and floss your teeth properly.

Protect your oral health

At our dental practice, the length of your hygienist’s clean and polish appointment will vary according to how long it has been since your last dental cleaning and the amount of plaque build-up on your teeth. We are committed to providing the most advanced dental health services to keep your mouth, teeth and gums healthy and clean. To book an appointment, contact us today.

Get a new denture in Banbury

False teeth have been around since at least 700 BC, when they were made out of human or animal teeth. Tooth decay became a much bigger problem after the Industrial Revolution when refined sugar became cheap and readily available. Advances in modern dentistry have led to a decline in the number of people with dentures. However, inadequate dental care can still lead to extensive tooth decay and gum disease, and dentures may be used to replace teeth that have been lost.

Dentures in BanburyAt Amsel & Wilkins, we appreciate that losing multiple teeth can cause more than just aesthetic problems; gaps in your mouth can affect your ability to bite and chew food properly as well as your ability to speak. More importantly, missing teeth can cause the rest of your teeth to move into the empty spaces, making them difficult to clean and further affecting your oral function.

Luckily, you can smile confidently again with the help of customised, natural-looking full or partial dentures created just for you. Partial dentures, in particular, are an effective and inexpensive solution if you are missing some teeth and you now want to have dental implants.

Full dentures

Our dental practice offers high-quality, customised, full dentures that are designed to meet your individual needs. Our full dentures are biofunctional, meaning that they are created to reproduce your oral function as closely as possible. Full dentures are usually fitted as soon as your natural teeth are removed, so you are never left without teeth. However, in some cases, there may be some delay to allow your gums to heal. Your dentist will take impressions of your teeth and send them to our technician. While you are waiting for your new dentures, temporary dentures may be fitted to your mouth. Full dentures fit comfortably over your gums and are easy to remove for cleaning.

Partial dentures

Removable partial dentures usually have replacement teeth fixed to an acrylic base that matches the colour of your gums. The acrylic base may cover a metal framework. Partial dentures are attached to your natural teeth with a clasp. This holds them securely in place.

If you wish to get a denture in Banbury, contact us today.