When your wisdom teeth have to come out

Not everyone has to have wisdom teeth extractions. It depends on how your wisdom teeth come through as to whether the team at Amsel & Wilkins will recommend that you have them removed.

Extractions in BanburyWhat are wisdom teeth?

Your adult teeth come through in 2 waves. Nearly all of the teeth come through when you are aged 8-12, but there are 4 molars right at the back, one at either end of the upper and lower arches, that come through from around the age of 17-21.

The problems with wisdom teeth

The trouble is that wisdom teeth do not always come through straight. Sometimes they don’t come through at all. Other times they come through at an angle, this is what we mean when we say that your wisdom teeth are impacted.

The extraction procedure

Taking out wisdom teeth can be straightforward but your dentist may recommend a referral if it appears to be complex.  At Amsel and Wilkins we have Consultant oral surgeon  Catherine Sternberg who works alongside us , she will carry out an examination of your wisdom teeth and discuss what needs to be done, before drawing up a written treatment plan, including costs.

Generally speaking, we can remove your wisdom teeth under local anesthetic at the practice. If you are likely to be anxious about the procedure, we can also offer  referral for treatment with sedation or general anesthetic.

The extraction process examined

If you need a tooth out, a member of the team at Amsel & Wilkins will talk you through the various processes involved. All patients are different and we tailor your treatment to suit your needs and the conditions in your mouth. We understand that tooth removal can carry an element of difficulty or nervousness for some people and we do our best to alleviate this for you.

Extractions in Banbury

Whatever the circumstances, Amsel & Wilkins are here to guide you through the process and through aftercare.

Why do people have teeth extracted?

Extractions in BanburyAs your dentist, Amsel & Wilkins will always prioritise saving your teeth where possible even if you are having difficulty with them. There are usually steps we can take to try and fix a problem before we need to consider extractions in Banbury. However, sometimes the only thing you can do is have a tooth removed. Some of the reasons why we might consider extraction include:

  • Orthodontics – one of the common reasons why people have their teeth straightened is due to over-crowding in the mouth that has pushed the teeth out of alignment while they are growing. To correct this problem, braces are used to push the teeth back into line. Sometimes your orthodontist can make enough room to do this using various orthodontic techniques to shuffle the teeth around and create room. In more complex cases, however, someone might need to have a tooth or two removed to make room;
  • Accidental damage – accidents can knock teeth straight out or damage them. In either case, your dentist at Amsel & Wilkins will try and save the tooth. So that they can do this, it is always best to keep a tooth in place where possible, even if it is damaged. If they can’t, however, extraction work may be required for the remains of the tooth;
  • Wisdom teeth – some people begin to experience pain as their wisdom teeth come through. Sometimes there isn’t enough room for the emerging teeth and often they come through at an angle which is known as an impacted wisdom tooth. In these cases, the dentist can extract the offending tooth to relieve pain and prevent further disruption as the tooth grows;
  • Disease or decay – if you keep up to date with your regular check-ups, it is likely that your dentist will be able to spot any problems related to disease or decay early on. If left untreated for long periods of time, dental problems like this can, eventually, lead to tooth loss. This is why it is always better to get any suspected issues seen to as soon as possible after they arise. Tooth replacement is much trickier and more extensive than simple repair.