Restore your smile with white fillings in Banbury The advantages of composite fillings

Dating back to their invention in 1955, composite or ‘white fillings’ have improved both dental techniques and smiles for over half a century.

White Fillings in BanburyOriginally made of porcelain and set to the tooth with resin, white fillings in Banbury have proven to be just as hardy as traditional metal-based fillings with the obvious benefit of creating a more natural, less noticeable look. Indeed, many dental customers today are choosing to have their old, metal fillings removed and replaced with composite ones to improve their smile and confidence.

But what are the other advantages of white fillings in Banbury over metal ones?

Composite versus metal

Of course, if you have decay at the front of your mouth or simply have a damaged tooth, you will want a filling that will not draw attention to itself.

However, many people are unaware of the other benefits of choosing white fillings, that can even make dental check-ups easier for your dentist.


An annoyance seen daily in dentistry, tooth decay is the primary reason for fillings and while some dentists may opt to simply give you a metal filling (based on location), at Amsel Wilkins, we know the benefits of having composite fillings fitted instead.

One of the key examples is decay. With metal fillings, even the most experienced dentist can miss a minor crack and tooth decay that may be occurring under the filling as result. White fillings in Banbury have the advantage of allowing dentists to detect if a filling has cracked and can even help them see if decay has occurred underneath too. This  means check-ups are easier and any other dental work will be minimal.


If you have a tooth that has decayed, you may have minor cracks forming on the surface too. A composite filling will bond to the natural shape of the tooth and protect it against future breakage and damage, creating a stronger tooth that needs less maintenance.


Many people who have had metal fillings fitted are often surprised at the sensitivity of the tooth afterwards. Metal in not as resistant to extremes of heat (tea, coffee) or cold (ice cubes, ice lollies) as composite and can cause pain or sensitivity when exposed to these temperatures. Composite is more durable and adapts easily to different temperatures with no sensitivity or issue, so you can drink as many hot beverages as you want without complaint.

Immediate use

When having a metal filling fitted, many people have been advised by their dentists to ‘take it easy’ on the tooth for a day afterwards; this is due to the sensitivity of the metal and the need to adapt to your mouth. White fillings can be used straight away and do not require a ‘breaking in’ period.

If you want to have your old metal fillings replaced with composite, our dental team at Amsel & Wilkins in Banbury will be happy to fit new ones for you. They are stronger, more durable and will improve your overall confidence.