Don’t forget the hygienists’ clean and polish

Despite all the gadgets and tricks to make life quicker and easier, it seems that we are all just as busy as we ever were, maybe even more so. We are constantly trying to find ways to save an hour here, 20 minutes there.

Hygienists Clean and PolishSo, if you have your regular check-ups here at Amsel & Wilkins in Banbury, you may think it’s okay to not bother with your 6-monthly half hour with hygienists for a clean and polish. After all, the dentist has already given you the thumbs up as far as your dental health is concerned, surely it can’t hurt to skip the hygienist and save yourself some time, and money.

Well, we don’t think skipping the clean and polish is a good plan, and here’s why.

Plaque, plaque, plaque

Plaque is the name we give to a particular kind of bacteria that live in your mouth. It builds up in sticky layers on your teeth, and other surfaces in order to avoid being swallowed in your saliva. Plaque bacteria feed on the sugars in your saliva and the more sugar there is, the more quickly they reproduce and build up on your teeth, giving you that furry feeling.

The trouble with plaque is that it gives off acids. They’re not harmful when they have been diluted in your saliva but as they come off the bacteria they are pretty concentrated and they can eat away at your teeth, creating little holes for decay-causing bacteria to get into.

Plaque love to hide away in difficult to reach places, such as around the gum line, and here the acids attack the gums, and then get under the gums to attack tooth roots and jawbone. With both decay and gum disease, the end result is tooth loss.

Brushing your teeth is done to remove plaque, but it’s impossible to get it all and when it’s left in situ for more than 3 days, plaque hardens and can’t be brushed away. Twice yearly sessions with the hygienist ensure that any build up of plaque is removed. So, please don’t skip this vital part of your oral health regime. If you haven’t been for a while, why not book an appointment today?

Filling the gaps

It’s only as you start to lose your teeth that you realise how important they are, not only for eating, but also for looking youthful and healthy, and for being able to speak clearly. And the more teeth you lose, the harder it gets.

Get a New Denture If you have lost a few teeth, or maybe even all your teeth, now is the time to get a new denture. Dentures have been around for centuries and are constantly being improved to make them fit better, look more realistic and do their job of eating and aiding clarity of speech better.

Here at Amsel & Wilkins, all of our dentists are trained to provide partial and full dentures. And one dentist, Nigel Braine-Hartnell, is certified to provide BPS (biofunctional prosthetic system) dentures, which are made of special materials to provide a high reproduction of natural speech and eating functions.

There are 2 kinds of dentures, full and partial.

Full dentures

Full dentures go over your gums in a snug fit. You will need to get a full denture if you have lost, or are about to lose, all the teeth on either your upper or lower arch. We like to fit full dentures as we remove your teeth so that you never have to be without teeth. Sometimes, if there have been a lot of extractions, and your gums have swollen because of them, we like to leave the fitting until the swelling has gone down. Once we have done the fitting, we send the measurements off to a laboratory to be made up. We won’t leave you without teeth during this time; you will get a temporary denture to wear.

For extra stability, your dentures can be attached to your jawbone with dental implants.

Partial dentures

If you have lost a few teeth around one jaw, we can replace them with a partial denture. This is a plastic or metal plate with the teeth placed around it that goes in behind your teeth and can be fixed onto the back ones with a clip to keep it still. You unclip your plate to take it out and clean it.

Come in for a consultation and let dentures give you your life back.