A guide to dental implants from our dental professional

For our patients who are struggling with a missing tooth, one of the best treatments we can provide is a dental implant. It’s a great option for replacing any number of teeth, and can really help to bring a smile back to life. Our team at Amsel & Wilkins are dedicated to ensuring that our patients receive the highest quality of treatment possible, and that they walk away from our practice feeling happy and more confident.


What are dental implants?

Before we get into the process of how we provide dental implants, you will want to know what they actually are. A dental implant is usually made up of three main parts, the implant screw, the abutment and the crown. Firstly, the implant screw is the foundation of the implant that holds everything else in place. On top of this, the abutment is placed, which is the part that connects the implant screw to the crown. And finally, the crown is the part of the implant that will really make the difference visually. The crown is a custom-made piece of porcelain that is shaped and coloured to match your other teeth, and this is attached to the abutment to complete the dental implant. Our dentist in Banbury can also attach bridges or dentures to the dental implants for those who are looking to replace a larger number of teeth.

What will happen?

When you contact us at the practice for dental implants, the first thing we will do is invite you in for a consultation with our dentist in Banbury. It’s very important that this happens, as this is the stage where we can get to know you, examine your teeth and take scans. We will ensure that we carry out a full clinical assessment to make certain that you are eligible for implants before beginning the treatment, which helps to make sure that the process goes as smoothly as possible. We will take scans such as X-rays to get a deeper look at your bone structure, as it’s important that you have enough bone left in the area where the implants are being placed.

Once we have had the consultation with you and determined you are eligible, we can go ahead with the treatment. The next step is for your customised crown/bridge/denture to be created, which will be influenced by the scans we take during your consultation. Your face shape, mouth shape and appearance of your other teeth will all be taken into account when creating the crown to ensure that it looks as natural as possible.

When your new teeth are ready, our dentist in Banbury will invite you back to the practice for your first main appointment, which will involve inserting the implant screw into your jawbone. We do this by opening up the gum in the desired area, inserting the implant screw, and closing it back up again. This will then be left to heal for several months to allow it to fuse with your bone, which creates a very strong foundation for your new tooth. If we didn’t do this, then your implant would be weaker and wouldn’t last as long.

Once the area has healed, we will invite you back to the practice for your final appointment. This is when we will attach the abutment to the screw, and attach the crown on top. This is the moment when you will really see the difference that dental implants can make. You can then leave the practice and enjoy your new and improved smile, which can last for 20 years or more with the right care!