How to tell if you need to visit the dentist

The best way to safeguard against potential threats to your oral health and protect your quality of life is to keep to the scheduled check-up appointments as instructed by our dentist in Banbury. At Amsel & Wilkins, we offer a range of top-quality dental care treatments to protect or restore dental health and function.


Delaying a visit to our dentist in Banbury, or skipping out of regular dental check-ups altogether, means missing out on the opportunity to have red flags that point to a dental issue identified and treated. When no action is taken to treat worrying symptoms, a patient can be sure to expect more severe discomfort and pain, and the progression of the oral health problem.

We are always dismayed when patients only pay us a visit when in extreme pain. While our dental practitioners are well experienced in relieving dental pain and providing quality urgent dental care, all such pain and anxiety can be completely avoided if symptoms are treated when they arise and not left to escalate. Outside of pain and discomfort, there are other occasions when it is a good idea to have your teeth and gums looked at by a qualified dentist in Banbury

Times when you need to see a dental practitioner

You have bad breath

It is not always the case that bad breath is caused by some food you ate or beverage you consumed. Another quite common cause of bad breath is an underlying oral health problem. The only reliable way to tell for sure what the cause is of your bad breath, is to have a dental practitioner conduct an oral health assessment. Not only can our dental professional get to the root cause of your problem, we can also prescribe suitable dental treatment plans to regain oral health and your confidence to engage with others once again.

You dental appliances have become loose or damaged

Patients are not always conscious of the critical importance of having their loose dentures or damaged braces repaired. If the structural integrity of your dental appliance is compromised then this has a direct adverse impact on the outcome of your treatment plan.

Your teeth bleed or have suddenly become extremely sensitive

It is not par for the course for bleeding to occur around your teeth or for them to be sensitive when consuming hot or cold treats and these symptoms should not be ignored. Like all other dental problems, timely action needs to be taken to stop the progression of the minor problem from becoming a more major one.

Whether it is toothaches or mouth sores, poor oral health issues can quite quickly reduce the quality of life you experience.

Optimal dental health starts with a determined effort at observing all your dental-related obligations such as daily brushing and flossing and seeing our dental practitioner at Amsel & Wilkins. Please get in touch with our administration support team to arrange for a dental assessment as soon as possible, especially if it has been a while since your last dental check-up.