Our dentist in Banbury explains emergency dental care

If you are ever stuck in a dental emergency and don’t know where to turn, then here at Amsel & Wilkins, we can help you. Having pain in your mouth can be very uncomfortable, agitating and painful, so we will do everything we can to help treat the problem as soon as you come in for an emergency appointment with our dentist.


What is a dental emergency?

There are a few different things that are classed as being a dental emergency, and if you are experiencing any of them, then we recommend that you contact us as soon as possible for an appointment with our dentist in Banbury. Below, we have listed the most common causes for an emergency appointment, as you may be experiencing one of them and need treatment.

Severe toothache

If you have a lot of pain in your teeth or jaw and over-the-counter painkillers are not helping, then this is when you need to contact us for a dental emergency. There could be an underlying cause that needs to be treated as quickly as possible to prevent further issues.

During your emergency appointment for toothache with our dentist in Banbury, we will first relieve your pain as much as possible to increase your comfort throughout. We will then examine your mouth to determine the cause and may also take some scans to get a more in-depth look. When we find what is causing your toothache, we will do the best we can to treat it there and then. If it’s a more serious issue, you may need to have further treatment, and we can create a plan with you to do this.


Sometimes, bacteria can sit deep in your teeth and invade the pulp, which causes a pocket of pus to form; this can happen in your teeth, gums and jawbone. If left untreated, a dental abscess can spread throughout your mouth and even into the rest of your body, causing you to become ill. If you think you may have an abscess in your tooth, then don’t hesitate to contact us for an emergency appointment with our dentist in Banbury.

When you come in for an appointment for help with an abscess, one of the most common things we do to treat them is a root canal treatment. This involves us removing the abscess, cleaning the area and filling it back in. After this, the area will be rid of any bacteria, preventing another infection from arising. If you have a more severe/deeper abscess, our dentist may need to extract your tooth to clean the area and prevent infection. But don’t worry because we can provide you with options for replacing it in the future.

A knocked-out or loose tooth

Sometimes, accidents can happen, and you may knock your tooth out or make it come loose. If this happens, you should contact us for an appointment as soon as possible as your other teeth could be at risk. If there are any small pieces of tooth left that aren’t removed, then this can cause injury and/or infection and damage the surrounding teeth.

If you have lost your tooth and it is intact and in good enough condition, we may be able to reattach it. If the tooth is unusable, then we will make sure we remove any remaining pieces of tooth and debris to make sure the area doesn’t get infected. We can then go through treatment options with you to replace your tooth in the future if you wish.