Sparkle on the inside

Having a bit of sparkle on can make all the difference to how we feel about ourselves. Shiny jewellery, shiny bits on bags and shoes and in the hair, there is no end of body parts we like to brighten up. That said, how are your teeth doing? Is the rest of you looking amazing and highly polished and your teeth languishing, forgotten, stained and dull, behind your lip gloss?

Teeth Whitening BanburyDon’t do that to one of the most important parts of your body. People are hardwired to look at smiles to assess whether someone is friendly or not. They are hardwired to respond to a great smile with equal warmth and a desire for connection. It’s how we got through life in pre-history and how our ape friends still do a lot of their communication.

If your teeth are lovely and white, you will smile more and people will respond to you more warmly. Getting teeth whitening in Banbury is easy too. At Amsel & Wilkins, we use a brand of teeth whitening called White Dental Beauty, it’s a home whitening treatment with bespoke trays.

Here’s how teeth whitening works in our dental practice. You come in for an assessment so that we can check your discolouration can be removed with teeth whitening treatment. If it can, we then take impressions of your teeth and use them to make you a set of gel trays that will fit your teeth exactly.

You take the trays and the whitening gel home, put the gel in the trays and pop them over your teeth. You wear the trays for a short period every day and in two to three weeks, you will have great results. Of course, the more stained your teeth are, the longer it will take.

Topping up

Of course, your teeth won’t stay white forever. The stains are caused by things like tea, coffee, red wine, berries and other highly pigmented foods, as well as smoking.

You can extend the life of your whitening by brushing your teeth gently after each meal or snack. Also, now that you have the trays, you can buy more whitening gel to top up when your teeth start to become dull again.