Unsure if your wisdom teeth are being problematic? 5 signs that might mean they are by our dentist in Banbury

Between the ages of 11 and 17 years old, your body goes through many changes.


And while the memory of adult teeth erupting can seem like a distant (and painful!) memory, for many people, their teenage years are overshadowed by the eruption of 4 more teeth in the mouth.

Known as wisdom teeth, these 4 molars appear at the back of the mouth, 2 on the top jaw and 2 on the bottom and, to be frank, they can cause a lot of issues. Why? Because they tend to erupt when your adult teeth are set nicely in your jaw. And as you can imagine, your adult teeth don’t take kindly to surrounding teeth popping up and crowding their space.

At Amsel & Wilkins, we have years of expertise dealing with problematic wisdom teeth and will conduct an assessment of these late bloomers to establish whether they need to be removed. If they do, our dentist in Banbury will remove them painlessly and easily, allowing your mouth to be free of pressure and crowding. Perfect!

So, what are some of the signs that those new wisdom teeth are going to be problematic? Read on to find out!


As you can imagine, when you have a new tooth coming through, it is going to be a bit uncomfortable.

However, if this discomfort persists when your wisdom teeth have fully erupted, then you need to see our dentist in Banbury for an assessment. The discomfort may be persistent or may occur when you are chewing food and can even take the form of sensitivity when consuming hot or cold liquids.


Again, an erupting tooth does not occur without a fair amount of swelling, but our dentist in Banbury advises that all people with erupting wisdom teeth keep an eye on the swelling.

If it looks darker than the surrounding gum, is uncomfortable or is becoming too swollen for you to close your mouth properly, contact our team.


Excessive amounts of bleeding from an erupting wisdom tooth can point towards an issue. This indicates that the tooth may be impacted (not fully erupted) and is moving, causing the bleeding.

Should this occur, you need to contact our team who can assess if the tooth can be accommodated in your mouth or needs to be extracted by us.


A stiff jaw or issues with opening your mouth wide can also point to a problem with wisdom teeth.

As they erupt, the swelling or the tooth itself can put pressure on the surrounding nerves and cause problems with movement throughout your mouth and jaw. If you notice an issue with moving your mouth, jaw or tongue since you have had wisdom teeth erupting, please contact our team for an assessment.

Foul odour or taste

A sure-fire sign that there is an issue with your wisdom teeth is a foul taste or smell in your mouth.

This points towards an infection in or under the tooth, which requires urgent medical attention to resolve.