Bring your child to the dentist from an early age for better oral health

Children in the UK have a shockingly high amount of tooth decay. This is starting to improve but there is still a long way to go. At Amsel & Wilkins dental practice in Banbury, we believe that children should be brought into the dental practice from an early age to help combat this, and to familiarise themselves with the practice environment. We’re so keen to see young patients to help prevent decay developing that we offer free children’s dentistry up to the age of five for practice plan members.


Studies have shown that children who visit the dentist from an early age are far less likely to experience dental phobia in later life. Fear of the dentist is often caused by a bad childhood experience, and our experienced dentists are keen to be seen as a friendly face by young patients. Early intervention, with treatments including fissure sealants and fluoride varnish to help strengthen teeth and combat decay, help to avoid the need for more invasive (and distressing) treatments such as extractions.

Children should start to visit the dentist as soon as their first teeth appear. By coming into the practice with their parents or siblings, they can observe and copy what they see – sitting in the chair and opening their mouth to let the dentist examine their teeth. Your dentist will make this a welcoming, positive experience for your child, and they will quickly learn that dental appointments are nothing to be frightened of.

Should your child already be suffering from tooth decay, they will be treated gently and painlessly. Treating a child from an early age also enables the dentist to spot early signs of underbites, cross bites or overbites developing. As with most things, the sooner you can start to treat it, the quicker it can be resolved.