Facial aesthetics at a dentist in Banbury

Gone are the days where you have to set aside a massive amount of your time to get an invasive and dangerous facelift surgery or spend a fortune on skincare only to barely see anti-aging results. At Amsel & Wilkins, we know how busy you are, so we are here to take care of the little things while you get on with life. Facial aesthetics have never been easier than simply stepping into the practice of your dentist in Banbury during your lunch hour and getting a few tweaks here and there.


Why the dentist?

It may seem like a bit of a strange place to receive antiaging treatments but dentists actually have a very thorough medical knowledge of facial anatomy and understand that your wrinkles and sagging are not only skin deep but are due to a loss in the molecular structure deep within and beneath the skin. They know where your facial muscles sit and how to best enhance your natural features in the most flattering way.

What we offer

Wrinkle treatments – known as “botox” injections, can soften the expression lines in different areas on your face giving you a rejuvenated look that has a more youthful and fresh appearance; by using botulinum toxin which is injected in small amounts into the tiny facial muscles that cause areas of expression like frown lines or laugh lines to deepen, the product is able to relax those targeted areas by blocking the nerve impulses to them thus softening the lines and creating a smoother appearance to the skin.

This treatment at your dentist in Banbury is very quick, taking only about 5-10 minutes and is virtually painless in treating frown lines, forehead lines, eyebrows, crows feet, lines around the mouth, and the “smokers lines” on the top lip. Results can be seen is as little as 4-7 days and for optimum long-lasting effects, we recommend going for a top-up every 3 months to keep a youthful appearance.

Dermal fillers – while botox relaxes the muscles to soften your age lines, dermal fillers plump them up to give you a fuller, more youthful look. Dermal fillers usually use some form of sterile hyaluronic acid which the body produces naturally. This substance can be injected into areas on the face where wrinkles have become apparent and can also be used to contour the face and neck to a more youthful and desirable appearance like filling out the cheekbones, filling in the tear trough which appears more sunken with age plumping up the lips and even shaping the jaw.

This treatment is performed under a local anesthetic allowing you to feel no pain while the injectables are administered and the results of dermal fillers at your dentist in Banbury are immediately allowing you to walk away with the enhanced features you’ve always wanted. The fillers can last 6-12 months and a top-up is required when they eventually dissolve, to maintain your fresh, plump appearance.

It takes some effort to look young and fresh but not nearly as much as it used to with the different injectables we have on offer to best suit your antiaging needs.