When would a dentist recommend tooth extractions?

One of the most dreaded of all dental procedures is a tooth extraction. We know that no patient wants to hear that they need, for whatever reason, a tooth pulled. Our dentist in Banbury will first focus on saving the tooth or teeth in question before recommending an extraction. Of course the most reliable way for patients to avoid tooth extractions is to have their dental health regularly checked by a dentist in Banbury. Spotting symptoms such as the formation of cavities or decaying teeth early will allow a dental professional to put in place timely preventive measures, such as fillings and root canal treatments, that will save a tooth.


There are certain situations when a dentist in Banbury may find that a tooth extraction would be the best dental procedure to help a patient obtain full dental health. This course of treatment may be suggested when nothing else can be done to save it, or if there are orthodontic concerns such as an overcrowded mouth.

Types of tooth extraction procedures

Tooth extractions are divided into two categories: simple extractions and surgical procedures. Simple extractions are the chosen method for extracting teeth that are visible and within easy reach of the dentist’s instruments. A local anaesthetic is usually provided. For those teeth where access is more of a challenge, a surgical extraction may be necessary. This procedure requires general anaesthesia.

Three common reasons why permanent teeth may need extracting

  • Severe tooth decay

The most common reason for an extraction procedure is when the severity of tooth damage or decay is too advanced and beyond repair. Tooth decay is a progressive condition and the longer a patient avoids the dentist, the worse the situation becomes, until there is no other option but to extract the tooth. A decayed tooth, if not removed, may compromise gum health as well as neighbouring teeth.

  • Facial trauma that results in injury to the teeth

Another top reason for a tooth extraction is injury or breakage as a result of facial trauma. Trauma can be caused due to a vehicle accident, sports injury or even sometimes as a result of aggressive chewing.

If this breakage results in the loss of much of the visible surface area of the tooth, an extraction may be the only option as there is not much left of the tooth on which to attach an artificial restoration method.

  • Removal of a troublesome wisdom tooth

Wisdom teeth can, for some patients, present a number of challenges that risk dental health; it can lead to overcrowding issues and the lack of space can cause severe discomfort. Another related concern are the challenges in keeping an overcrowded mouth clean and healthy.

If a patient is considering a tooth extraction, it is critical that they discuss all their options with our dentist to replace the missing tooth or teeth. It is not in the interest of a patient’s dental health to have a tooth missing, as this leads to all sorts of other undesirable outcomes.

Amsel & Wilkins Dental Clinic has highly skilled dentists experienced in performing tooth extractions to the highest standards in the industry. Your comfort is a top priority. Get in touch with our office today to schedule a dental appointment.