Cosmetic treatments from our dentist in Banbury

If you have been wishing to improve the look of your smile, there are many ways in which you can do this, and our dentist in Banbury can help. We deliver various different types of high-quality cosmetic treatments that can really assist in rejuvenating your smile.



Before we can proceed with these treatments, we will first have a consultation with you, which is an important part of ensuring everything goes smoothly. Our dentist in Banbury will discuss the treatment with you at length, so that you know everything about it before continuing. This is useful because it will give you a good idea of the process, and what the end result could be if successful.

We will usually also examine your teeth and take scans in a consultation, so that we can make sure you are eligible for your chosen treatment. It also allows for us to see how complicated or not your case is, which means we can give you more personalised information about how the treatment should go.

Porcelain veneers

Our first cosmetic treatment option is to have porcelain veneers, which can really help to transform the look of your smile. A veneer is a thin piece of porcelain that is placed on the front of your natural teeth matching them in shape and colour or tweaking them for preference. It can help with things such as mild misalignment, chips and discolouration.

Once you have had your consultation with us and decide to go ahead with getting veneers, we will send off your scans so that your customised veneers can be made. Most of the time, we will first give you a set of temporary veneers, which allows you to point out any adjustments you may want us to make before we permanently attach them. Once this is done, we will permanently bond the veneers to your natural teeth, usually using a dental cement and a very bright light to harden it. With the right care, your veneers can last for 20+ years!

Teeth whitening

Here at Amsel and Wilkins, we are proud to offer both in-practice teeth whitening and home whitening kits. When you come into our practice for teeth whitening, it can happen quicker, but more and more people are turning to home whitening kits as they want to do it themselves. The home whitening kits we provide are still extremely effective, and we will create a customised whitening tray for you to use, which you will put the dental bleaching agent into and wear it like a mouthguard for a certain amount of time. This can be such a great help if you are struggling with discolouration on your teeth, as sometimes, even with a good oral hygiene routine, your teeth can still stain.

White fillings

If you have experienced tooth decay or had a root canal treatment, you will most likely need a filling. This involves our dentist in Banbury using a very strong material to fill in any gaps in your tooth, which will harden and withstand any forces in the mouth such as biting. This is very useful as if you have a hole in your tooth, it can trap decay and cause your tooth to weaken.

A guide to Invisalign from our dentist in Banbury

Here at Amsel and Wilkins, our team of highly trained dental professionals in Banbury is dedicated to making sure you have the best smile possible. We do this by being certain that we provide treatments that are modern and effective, and contribute to improving your smile in the most efficient way possible. One of the more modern treatments our dentist in Banbury can offer is Invisalign, which is a great alternative to traditional braces when it comes to straightening your teeth.


What is it?

You may not know what Invisalign involves, however this is simply explained. Invisalign treatment is growing in popularity, due to the ease of the process and its great results. The main focus of the treatment is on the aligners that will actually straighten your teeth.

The aligners are made out of a clear, thin plastic material and are custom-made to your teeth. They fit around your teeth similarly to how a mouthguard does, but are a lot thinner and precisely moulded to them. Due to the thin, clear material of the aligners and the fact that they sit perfectly on your teeth, it means they are pretty much invisible to other people, and comfortable for you.

How long does it take?

The total treatment time for Invisalign can vary quite a lot, between 6 and 18 months. Everything depends on your needs, so if you have a milder case of misalignment, then it will take a shorter time to complete. Whereas if you have a more severe case, it can take longer to do, but the results are well worth the wait!

What’s the Invisalign process?

You may be wondering what actually happens when you come into our practice to get Invisalign, the whole process is very simple.

The consultation

Our dentist in Banbury will first have you in for a consultation meeting, which is vital in ensuring you get the most personalised experience. We will take scans, examine your teeth, and talk with you about the treatment. At Amsel and Wilkins, we are lucky enough to be using a highly technical piece of equipment called the iTero digital scanner. This device will take in-depth scans of your teeth in just over a minute, and is able to simulate what your teeth could look like at the end of the treatment which is very exciting!

When you have had your consultation and are ready to go ahead with the treatment, you will wait 2-3 weeks for your custom aligners to be made. Our dentist in Banbury will provide you with multiple aligners at a time, and they are all slightly different to straighten your teeth over the treatment period.

Something that our patients love about this process is that you change between your aligners by yourself at home. This is great if you have a busier schedule and can’t come in for dental appointments as often. We will have an appointment with you every 6-8 weeks to give you more aligners and check up on your progress. The aligners are removable, making it very easy for you to change between them, clean them, and remove them when you eat, which means you can eat whatever you want to!