Straighter teeth without everybody knowing

Ask many adults what their number one wish for their smile is and they reply that they would like straighter teeth. However, many are put off seeking treatment because when they hear the word “orthodontics” the picture that instantly springs to mind is metal bracket and wire braces.

invisalignAt Amsel & Wilkins dental practice we understand these concerns. Braces are an excellent way to straighten teeth and afford your orthodontist maximum control over the movement of your teeth. However, wearing metal braces for a considerable time (sometimes up to 24 months) is not always compatible with busy personal and professional lives. Fortunately, there is another solution.

Invisalign is a revolutionary teeth straightening system that uses a series of clear aligners to gently move your teeth into a new position. The system can be used to correct a wide range of orthodontic problems and, because the aligners are clear and are custom-made to fit your teeth precisely, the world doesn’t need to know you are having treatment.

Each set of aligners is carefully crafted to fit your teeth perfectly. You change your aligner approximately every two weeks as your teeth begin to move, and you will need to wear a retainer at the end of treatment to ensure your teeth stay in their new position.

Invisalign is supported by state-of-the-art 3D imaging software, which enables your dentist to show you what results you can expect before you start treatment. In addition to being clear, Invisalign also comes with the added benefit of being removable. You should of course wear your aligners most of the time to ensure your treatment progresses as planned, but you can take the aligners out to eat and drink, to clean and to brush your teeth, eliminating the oral hygiene problems some patients who wear braces experience.

Replace one, several or all your missing teeth with dental implants

If you have lost one or more of your natural teeth, you may be self-conscious about smiling. You may have heard of dental implants but wonder if they are suitable for you, and if they are really worth the effort and money.

dental implantsAt Amsel & Wilkins dental practice, we believe that dental implants are an excellent option for replacing missing teeth. Implants are not just an investment in your smile, they are an investment in your overall health.

People who have lost one or more teeth may be acutely aware of the social embarrassment it can cause, but may be unaware of the impact missing teeth can have on your general health. Remaining teeth often become crooked as they try to move into any gaps, making them more difficult to clean thus more prone to decay. You may also find that your diet is restricted to soft foods, with many favourite treats and healthy options off the menu. This can have a negative effect on your general health and wellbeing.

How dental implants work

Dental implants are replacements for the root portion of a natural tooth. Our teeth comprise two parts: the crowns we can see and the roots beneath. New crowns, dentures or bridges are attached to the top of your implants using special fixings.

Implants are made of titanium, which is highly compatible with the human body. They are precisely placed in your jaw bone, where they integrate with the bone and help to prevent the common problem of bone loss. In some cases your new teeth will be attached at the same time as your implants, while in other instances a healing period of a few months is needed first.

Dental implants are the only permanent way to replace your missing teeth, and the resulting restorations will look and act just like natural teeth – restoring not just your confidence in your smile, but your ability to eat a full, healthy diet, too. With proper care and regular visits to the dentist and hygienist, your implants may last you a lifetime.

Bring your child to the dentist from an early age for better oral health

Children in the UK have a shockingly high amount of tooth decay. This is starting to improve but there is still a long way to go. At Amsel & Wilkins dental practice in Banbury, we believe that children should be brought into the dental practice from an early age to help combat this, and to familiarise themselves with the practice environment. We’re so keen to see young patients to help prevent decay developing that we offer free children’s dentistry up to the age of five for practice plan members.


Studies have shown that children who visit the dentist from an early age are far less likely to experience dental phobia in later life. Fear of the dentist is often caused by a bad childhood experience, and our experienced dentists are keen to be seen as a friendly face by young patients. Early intervention, with treatments including fissure sealants and fluoride varnish to help strengthen teeth and combat decay, help to avoid the need for more invasive (and distressing) treatments such as extractions.

Children should start to visit the dentist as soon as their first teeth appear. By coming into the practice with their parents or siblings, they can observe and copy what they see – sitting in the chair and opening their mouth to let the dentist examine their teeth. Your dentist will make this a welcoming, positive experience for your child, and they will quickly learn that dental appointments are nothing to be frightened of.

Should your child already be suffering from tooth decay, they will be treated gently and painlessly. Treating a child from an early age also enables the dentist to spot early signs of underbites, cross bites or overbites developing. As with most things, the sooner you can start to treat it, the quicker it can be resolved.

How your dentist can help you to stop snoring

Are you a chronic snorer, or do you live with a chronic snorer? Everybody snores sometimes, with colds and flu, allergies such as hay fever and drinking too much alcohol being common culprits for occasional snoring. However, some people experience chronic snoring, which as well as causing problems for anyone who shares a room with a snorer can also be indicative of a more serious underlying health condition.

Invisalign in Banbury

In the simplest of terms, snoring is caused by an obstruction of the airway – so, for example, a stuffy nose when you have a cold. A bad sleeping position, being overweight and being a smoker can also increase your chances of snoring.

Sometimes, however, snoring can be caused by sleep apnoea. This condition affects about 4% of the UK population and involves the airway being completely blocked during sleep, which means that the sufferer stops breathing for short periods whilst sleeping. The natural reaction of the body is to wake you up, which means you will never be able to enjoy a good night’s sleep and will feel tired and irritable in the morning, even if you don’t remember you are frequently waking up.

The first port of call for patients with suspected sleep apnoea should be a sleep clinic, to confirm your diagnosis and discuss treatment options. However, few people realise that dentists are often able to provide an effective treatment for snoring, leading to a better night’s sleep for everyone and improved general health for the sufferer.

Amsel & Wilkins dentist John Adams has a special interest in snoring treatment. If you are a moderate to heavy snorer, he can fit you with a device called a mandibular advancement appliance, which is worn in the mouth overnight and holds the lower jaw in a forward position to keep your airway open, reducing or preventing snoring.

These devices can sometimes be useful in cases of sleep apnoea, too, although you should always consult a sleep clinic first.